Nowadays, there are different ways of communication in the journalism, like the radio, television, newspapers and Internet.

Our technology improves with the time and makes that some media become more useful and other media become less useful. One of the questions we make ourselves is what it’s going to happen with the journalism.

There are a lot of different answers which some of them are optimistic and positive about the journalism and other answers that are pessimistic and negative about this job.

As a conclusion, we have a positive visionof the future of journalism and we don't believe that the four current media are going to disappear. Despite of the fact that they have the same function, they present different ways to inform.

A lot of people believe in the extinction of the newspapers. We think that newspapers, television and radio are compatible with Internet, and the duty of the journalist is look for new functions for this media.

On one hand, Internet is a new media and has mistake. On the other hand, our society doesn`t like the changes. That's why a lot of people prefer traditional media.

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Social media

Social media is a rapidly growing phenomenon of the last few years that allows users of social media sites to engage with people across the world. The attendees of the 2010 140 Conference in New York City lent insight into what social media will mean for the future of journalism and how we can use social media to our advantage as journalists.
att: Sonia

2 comentarios:

  1. It seems inevitable that the future of journalism is not in the paper. It seems inevitable that the newspapers at the kiosks will disappear, and that change the print media support. But what advantages and disadvantages would bring this change?

    With the emergence, development and diffusion of new means of Internet access from mobile phones (Smartphone) and other media (such as tablets, type IPAD), our way of approaching the information has changed. Also, the speed of internet has brought a new speed of information, calls Breaking News, those headlines go around almost instantly when the facts in media such as Twitter, blogs, or Facebook. All mass media have turned in recent years to develop and improve their digital sections, and even some media just have this support for their diffusion.

    The world of internet combines sound, image and text so that newspaper couldn’t compete with their ways of expression. The radio, television and print media are in the same website, we also offer the speed and immediacy of news.

    But, the immediacy is not an impediment to reflect before writing a story or prudence before writing an opinion?

    Sonia Corchero

  2. Hey Sonia, I’m agree with you because one of the key components in social media marketing implementation is building "social authority". Social authority is developed when an individual or organization establishes themselves as an "expert" in their given field or area, thereby becoming an influence in that field or area.
    It is through this process of "building social authority" that social media becomes effective. That is why one of the foundational concepts in social media has become that you can’t completely control your message through social media but rather you can simply begin to participate in the "conversation" in the hopes that you can become a relevant influence in that conversation.
