Nowadays, there are different ways of communication in the journalism, like the radio, television, newspapers and Internet.

Our technology improves with the time and makes that some media become more useful and other media become less useful. One of the questions we make ourselves is what it’s going to happen with the journalism.

There are a lot of different answers which some of them are optimistic and positive about the journalism and other answers that are pessimistic and negative about this job.

As a conclusion, we have a positive visionof the future of journalism and we don't believe that the four current media are going to disappear. Despite of the fact that they have the same function, they present different ways to inform.

A lot of people believe in the extinction of the newspapers. We think that newspapers, television and radio are compatible with Internet, and the duty of the journalist is look for new functions for this media.

On one hand, Internet is a new media and has mistake. On the other hand, our society doesn`t like the changes. That's why a lot of people prefer traditional media.

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


Hey, what's up? I'm Pau Estella, in my articles, I'm going to explain and say my opinion about the diferent ways of journalism in  the actuallity. 

Investigative journalism consists to  collect  and  publish  information through the work and personal initiative, about some issues or events of importance and interest ,that  a social group and some people and organizations want to  keep secret.
Investigative journalism contains three basic elements: research from the reporter work, covering the facts relevant to the reader overview, and someone tries  to  keep  the public  aware of these facts. The dissemination of the information collected is done through different media or technical support, there are graphic, oral, visual and multimedia investigative journalism. Includes a variety of genres, including  interview journalistic,  documentary, short films and article.
Investigative journalist is subjected to multiple pressures that make this activity a difficult  and not without risk. Conflicts are created, so that most investigative journalists define this as a working journalist in adversity. Sometimes it can affect one's  physical integrity of journalists.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hey Pau, I’m Joan and I go to explain to you some things about your article!!

    I’m agree with you in this article. Investigative journalism needs a really hard work and a lot of initiative by the journalist.
    I think than the most important ways to make the dissemination of investigative content are television by his double visual and sound feature, and Internet because have really impact in the society.
    I’m agree with you too when you said than this is a difficult job and it have risk, because sometimes you get into the private lives of people and can make them feel bad or get angry.

    Att: Joan Carbonell

  2. Research journalism is very important and deserves a great recognition because the effort and work needed to carry out this type of journalism is very large.
    The research journalist is a person with a total handling capacity of sources and is characterized as a brave person. That’s because a lot of investigations can bring legal affairs, death threats and other series of problems that can affect the beginning of an investigation. Therefore, we see that it is a hard work and can have serious consequences.
    The research process follows a detailed pattern and must be followed with care. It consists basically of three parts: how comes the research, documentation with written and oral sources to investigate the fact, and the analysis of the data obtained.
    So, we see that it is a kind of journalism that requires dedication and deserves more merit than those attributed to it.

    Sonia Corchero
